
Network to promote collaboration between Vietnamese HEIs regarding student and graduate employability and entrepreneurship

Originated from the project “Strengthening the Vietnamese Higher Education System to improve graduates’ employability and entrepreneurship skills” (V2WORK), the Vietnam Employability and Entrepreneurship Support Network (VEES - NET) is a network created to further develop the close cooperation between V2WORK project partners, and to extend its positive impact to other Vietnamese Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

The Objectives of VEES-NET shall be to further and support employability & entrepreneurship efforts among HEIs.

The official website of  V2WORK: https://www.v2work.eu/


VEES - NET has a vision to be a sustainable network of Vietnamese HEIs to support career services with a view to promoting greater employability and developing a spirit and culture of entrepreneurship among HEIs.


Increase the employability and the entrepreneurship efforts of HEI students and graduates, enabling higher levels of success and professional achievement.
Promote the development and affirmation of HEI career services as an essential structure and of the greatest importance in fulfilling the institution's mission (University) to train and qualify young people for qualified professional activities that generate social and economic development.


To promote the employability of young higher education graduates;
To promote the spirit and entrepreneurial capacity of higher education students and graduates;
To focus on valuing soft skills for greater employability, in particular by identifying gaps in the labour market and recent graduates;
To increase knowledge of the dynamics of insertion in the labour market;
To develop a cooperative and complementary logic among network members with a view to maximizing the existing resources in each institution.
To strengthen the ties between the labour market and HEIs by promoting cooperation actions between the two, with a view of improving the HEIs’ understanding of the labour market needs.

If you would like to know more about how to collaborate with VEES-Net, or join the network, please contact us:

Email: info@vees-net.com

Tel: (024) 3869 3108

Add: Room 103, Building C1, Hanoi University of Science and Techonogy

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